Vibrant Group Training

Vibrant Group Training

Unleash Your Ageless Potential

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Ready to move with confidence, strength, and grace well into your later years? Join our vibrant small group training sessions designed specifically for adults 35+. In this supportive and motivating environment, you’ll develop:

  • Masterful Movement: We go beyond basic exercises, focusing on training your movement patterns, aligning your posture, and optimizing your breathing habits.
  • Functional Strength: Build lean muscle and improve bone density through multi-plane, functional exercises designed for real-life movement.
  • Enhanced Balance & Mobility: Gain confidence in your body with targeted exercises that improve balance, flexibility, and range of motion.
  • Inner Awareness & Well-being: While our focus is on physical training, we also explore the connection between muscle/breath/body/self awareness, promoting a holistic approach to health.

Choose the Group Fitness Training

That Best Fits Your Needs

Adam Fawcett in group fitness training with three clients

Note: participation in either of these group-trainings requires experience in functional strength, training or other movement arts, or some number of private sessions with Adam prior to joining the groups.

  • Vibrant Zoom – 10:30 AM Mondays and Wednesdays:
    Foundational/beginner-friendly, perfect for building a strong base and exploring movement patterns.
  • Live Vibrant (in-person) – 3:30 PM Mondays and Wednesdays at Vibrant Fitness at the Fairgrounds:
    Intermediate-level, ideal for those seeking a more challenging and technical workout.

Looking for Personal Training instead? Partner rates available