More Than A Personal Trainer
Adam Fawcett, founder of Vibrant Fitness, is more than a personal trainer; he is also part motivational coach/part entertainer in his efforts to educate others about the benefits of better health and quality of life through exercise.
Adam’s excitement and love for good form and effective exercise are contagious, and he is known for his enthusiasm, intensity, and humor.
Adam has been dedicated to fitness training and group exercise for over twelve years.
He is a scientist of functional fitness training, drawing on decades of practice in T’ai Chi/Chi-Gong and Yoga, a fascination for the workings of the human body, and a background in Mechanical Engineering to provide best practices in physical fitness training.
“I want to help you to deepen your awareness and control of your own amazing body-machine, and help you to inhabit it with greater effectiveness, power and grace.”

About You
If this is you, you are most likely in your 50s, 60s, or 70s, generally healthy and mobile, but way less strong, fit, and body-aware then you know you could be.
You may have pain, small injury/limitations or health conditions that have bothered you for a while. You have had very little high-quality strength or movement coaching in the last 10 to 40 years.
You are ready to begin to take responsibility and action to improve and maintain your own bodily health and strength. To feel, look, and be, much stronger and healthier.
You are ready to commit to a weekly training rhythm, and actually learning how to take care of yourself through regular attentive movement, under load, of your body, your limbs, your heart, and lungs, and energy.

The cost in time, money, and focused effort will be significant but reasonable. The return on investment will be very outsized. (you will enjoy returns in appearance, feeling well-being, systemic, health, resiliency, self-awareness, self-love, self connection, sense of purpose in your life, and more)
It is nearly impossible to quantify the positive value one receives, in terms of quality of life improvement, when they take up a strength and movement practice like this sincerely.