READER’S QUESTION Great question this week, from Jodie, an athletic 49 year old client undergoing some physical therapy after some meniscus repair surgery. Hi Adam! I have a question for you. For as long as I can remember, personal trainers have...
Having started my fitness training career as a largely “unspecialized fitness trainer” in a small town, I have had the opportunity to train a wide range of people and populations over the years. Please, don’t ask me to name my favorite...
“Dead Bugs” is one of the very best core exercises you can do. It provides anterior core stability (training to prevent excessive lumbar arching) along with rotary core stability, proper shoulder flexion, and cross-lateral brain/coordination...
Nationwide, the percentage of women in CrossFit tends to be between 60 and 70% (It is at least that high here on Whidbey Island.) Female participation in functional fitness is definitely closer to the 70% mark in my programs at Vibrant Fitness. Now,...
1. Who You Are Determines the definition, and the Kind of Training You Get On South Whidbey, and at Vibrant Fitness, we are generally NOT training elite athletes or bodybuilders. Elite athletes or bodybuilders would require very different training experiences...
If you are in your 50’s and if, mostly due to your work, you’ve been pretty darn sedentary (PDS)* for the last 20 years, there are some things you need to know. *Pretty Darn Sedentary (PDS), for the sake of this post, covers a range from the...
If you’re turning 50, or are a bit older, the second half of your life’s journey is just beginning. And it’s time you start training for it. In fact, it’s as important to physically train for the second half of your life as it is to plan and prepare...
Learn the second part of this effective technique for maintaining posture and shoulder mobility. Video demonstrates the how to take each of these benefits further(after Part 1) Maintainance of mobility in your AMAZING shoulder joints An antidote to...
Whether it’s pushing a wheelbarrow of dirt around the yard, to lifting a child or a grandchild, to unloading groceries from the car, you are using whole groups of muscles when you do these activities. These are every day “functional”...